Sunset Photography




I was outside the other day when this sunset started to form. Me, my dad, and my brother were shooting some hoops. I was trying to not pay much attention to the sunset and more on just enjoying the moment. I failed as you can tell. ; )

Taking pictures is something that I have enjoyed for years. If I see something that is picture worthy, I am going to stop whatever I’m doing and I will have my camera around my neck just seconds later. That’s just who I am.

But with that being said, I realize that I do sometimes let the moment slip away. I can get so caught up on whether I should grab my camera or if I should just try to forget about it. Take the pictures above for example. I seriously sat there for like fifteen minutes pondering on whether I should go take some pictures  or not. The whole time I was only half way playing with my dad and brother.

So for me, I am trying to enjoy the moment more. With my love for photography, my idea of “enjoying the moment” is often going outside to take pictures. I want to live life to it’s fullest though and be able to have fun and do stuff without freaking out on whether I should be taking pictures or not. I’ve realized though that taking pictures is just something I do. It’s something I have enjoyed for years. Sometimes I am going to stop what I am doing just to go outside to snap some photos. That’s just who I am.



61 thoughts on “Sunset Photography

  1. Sunsets are beautiful! They are so captivating, and I find them very peaceful. Sometimes we let our pleasures, job, hobbies, etc take precedent over people. Which isn’t good, but simply being aware is humbling. I’ve been guilty of this, and I know for me becoming more aware of what I am doing, and how others may feel helps me be more accountable. Thank you for sharing your honesty, of course, your pictures!


  2. Wonderful photos, and yes, quite the dilemma for the photographer. It came up a lot with the recent total eclipse… should you put down your camera and enjoy the incredible event, or focus on your photography and try to capture everything you can??


  3. Well, you’re not alone, Maddy. I’m very similar in as far as “enjoying the moment” is concerned! I love to capture sky shots as much as most other things on my phone camera as well as on my DSLR and the joy from doing that is just difficult to define! I loved each of your sunset shots. Do check out my post too about my recent trip to Singapore and let me know what you thought of the sunset pictures.


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