Beach Photography

Hello everyone! Happy National Photography Month! I was super excited to find out about national photography month and I thought that it might be fun to do something a little different on the blog because of it. Anyone have any ideas or anything you’d like to see on here?

Summer is almost here and I’m getting so excited for it! I am almost done with school for the semester and then I’ll have a break for awhile. 😀 With the weather getting warmer, I will be making more trips out to beach. I promise that I’ll try not to write thousands of beach posts this summer. 😉 The beach is definitely my happy place and I am always trying out new photo ideas there. I got some fun beach picture ideas from Pinterest recently and decided to try them out! Down below are a few that I got.




( Taken by my sister )



Favorite photo? How else is ready for summer? Have you finished school? What’s one thing you’re looking forward to this summer?

You can find my photography sold on Etsy and Foap. I am also a blog designer and would love to help any bloggers out there!

174 thoughts on “Beach Photography

  1. Hum…my favorite photo is…oh man, I don’t know, 3-5 are the top 3. XD. I am so ready for summer, my finals end on May 25th, I have a week to do them at my online school. 🙂 I am so ready for the break, I have summer school for one subject, haha, but I have also plays and stuff so I am excited about that. Great job! 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I love the third photo❤
    All of them were so peaceful to look at❣

    And yes, i just completed school a month ago… waiting for the results of the finals…😜 But am still stuck with all the other exams😂 I need a break… all ready!😂

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Swimming at the beach is definitely what I’m most excited about this summer. What can I say? I was born to be a mermaid. 😁 I love the crab photo. I have also finally finished uni for the year, woop!! 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Those are great! I love the fourth one, it is so pretty! Do you have any photography tips?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve loved photography for just about as long as I can remember. 🙂 My parents bought me a camera when I was around 4/5 and I’ve been taking pictures ever since. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’ve been interested since I was around 10. My dad had just purchased a new camera and I was very curious about how to use it. Since then I’ve been taking pictures of nature and people. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. 😊 Actually, I checked when my dad had bought the camera, I was actually around 7 years not 10 😬😜


      4. Which camera do you use? I know you mentioned it in your about page that you use Canon Rebel but which one would that be like 60D, 70D, 700D, etc.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Love the photos!!! I thought I was missing some posts of yours!! I was like, “I haven’t seen Maddy’s stuff for a while, I better go check!”

    I really love the shells in your hair!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Hey Maddy! Wow awesome photos! Hope you had a great summer; it looks fantastic: sunshine, the beach … what more could you want! I’m also getting into photography, as a fairely new hobby, and I was wondering if you could give me some tips on how you select subjects and what you consider as a good shot?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey! Aw, thank you! ❤️ I hope that you’re having a great summer too.

      That’s awesome that you’re getting into photography! Sure, I’d love to give you some tips. For looking for subjects : 1. I look for something that stands out to me. Whether that’s some flowers or I see some colors that coordinate well together. 2. I look for the little things. That one is huge for getting unique pictures. Sometimes gorgeous stuff will be put right in front of you ( likes sunsets ) and those are pretty easy to capture and you can get some good shots! While those are great, it’s the little things that can not only make a gorgeous picture, but also make it unique. I look for stuff that other people wouldn’t see. The little things that are often missed.

      Hope that helps some! I have a photography tips post that you can check out as well for some extra tips. 🙂 Let me know if you ever have any questions about anything!

      Photography Tips


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