Mountain Photography || Travel Items on Etsy!

Hello everyone! I hope that you guys are having an amazing week. I can’t believe that it’s already almost November! This year has flown by. What has been a highlight of 2019 for everyone? 🙂 Mine was definitely moving back to my home state! ❤

Today, I’ll be sharing some pictures I took a few nights ago. My family drove up to a gorgeous mountain overlook after dinner one night, just a few minutes before the sun started setting. It was pretty chilly up there but so beautiful! Also, I have a couple product reviews at the bottom of this post so make sure to scroll down to those. I have some travel themed items I’m super excited to promote!

I got a push pin map from KRMaps and I’m in love with it! I’ve only recently heard about push pin maps and I think it’s the cutest idea! For those who don’t know what is it, it’s a map made for you to put push pins in all the places you’ve been to. They have maps with every country or just the USA if you prefer that. Its such a fun way to document where you’ve been! Down below is my map. 🙂

*color of map looks like their listing photo, my map color showed up differently on camera.

As you can see, I got the map with every country. I’m not a world traveler yet but I hope to be one day. ( I got a passport last week. Super excited to travel with it in the future! ) I definitely recommend getting one of these maps if you’re a traveler. I’m super happy with mine and I love having something in my room that documents where I’ve been. You can view this product here!

I also got these really cute luggage tags from Curry’s Leather. They are very well made and I just love the design and color! I’m going to be traveling next year and I’ll definitely be using these tags! They have so many different designs and colors to choose from. You can find this item here!

Be sure to check out both of these items and shops! They are great quality and I couldn’t be happier with mine!

It’s been a minute since I’ve been on here! What’s everyone been up to? A fun memory from 2019? Any travel plans coming up?

You can find my photography sold on Etsy and Foap. I am also a blog designer and would love to help you with your blog!

77 thoughts on “Mountain Photography || Travel Items on Etsy!

  1. Amazing pictures, as usual! ❤ I went to a friend's in Colorado and we had a lot of fun. One of the things we went to was to the duck pond and took lots of pictures. That was fun! 😛 And we have a trip (possibly) coming up in the summer, we're planning it and we're working it out. It's a big family vacation, so lots of pieces to put together.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The view of the mountains is so gorgeous!! Now, I want to visit there. 😀 Lately, I’ve been up to school. Gosh, this is my Freshman year of High School and I’m pretty busy! I’m enjoying the challenge a lot, but it’s a lot of work. A fun memory from this year was my 8th grade graduation. I got to meet teachers & classmates and the whole celebration is a day I’ll never forget. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My husband and I have traveled most of the world and have a push-pin map that we keep next to my home office. It’s great fun to watch our progress and I absolutely agree it’s a really nice thing to have. It does however remind me there are still places we need to cover, probably Russia but first Portugal. Anyway, fun post; look forward to seeing more of you!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. What gorgeous photos, Maddy! So glad you’re enjoying being back home and got to take some incredible sunset pics! Capturing the foreground with the highlight lit background looks stunning! I think I like the 1st picture below the header best, lot of range and directional interest! All the best for you on ur future travels! 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Good to see you back sis! How have you been love? I’ve been good and busy with God’s work and physical work! My highlight for this year was my job breakthrough I waited on the Lord for TWO YEARS! God is so great!!!! I love Him ❤ any plans to travel? Hmm who knows what God will do!!! Be it His will, I will in Jesus name. Blessings & strength to you! Love ALL the photo's this round lol 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  6. What a wonderful post! Your entire blog is very interesting. I am happy to call myself your newest follower. I look forward to future posts. It’s evident that you are an individual who is going places. Are those the Appalachian Mountains? I went to college in West Virginia back in the Dark Ages. I miss those beautiful hills. Luckily I live in Annapolis, Maryland which is very scenic. We are bless with lots of creeks and rivers, the Chesapeake Bay and lots of woodland, swampland and parkland. Best wishes, Russell

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for your kind works and for following! Yes, it is the Appalachian Mountains. 🙂 It sounds like you live in a gorgeous area! Great for taking pictures. 🙂


      1. I recently visited IIM Indore for a management fest. I am gonna post a blog about that soon. If u get a chance u should definitely visit my blog, its about inspirational stuff and also once u should visit India for sure 🙂


  7. I love those pictures, wowo. Mountains are pretty. You are really good at taking pictures! What camera do you use?


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